Posts filed under Blog Updates

"Daniel Fraembs Memorial"

This album is to honor the memory of Officer Daniel T. Fraembs, Pomona Police Department,  E.O.W. May 11, 1996!

Photos courtesy of Pomona Police Department.

"Amazing Grace"

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Police Officer Daniel Fraembs was shot and killed while checking on three suspicious subjects, two male gang members and a female, in an industrial area.

As Officer Fraembs patted down the first male suspect the second man was able to draw a .45 caliber handgun and shot Officer Fraembs in the face, killing him.

The gang member who shot him was sentenced to death in 1997.

Officer Fraembs was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and had served with the Pomona Police Department for three years. He is survived by his mother and sister.

Posted on April 30, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.

The Pomona Police Department invites you...


Open House on May 13, 2014 from 10am-pm.The Pomona Police Department is inviting the community to participate in our Open House. This year's Open House will coincide with National Law Enforcement Week.

Pomona Police personnel will be providing guided tours of the the Police Station to include the Jail, Dispatch Center Records Bureau from 10:00 am-6:00 pm. We will have numerous law enforcement displays from our specialized units such as SWAT, K-9 Unit, Helicopter, Traffic Bureau and School Resource Officers.

Children's fingerprinting will also take place throughout the day by one of our many community partners. The Kiwanis Club of Pomona will be volunteering their time grill hamburgers and hot dogs for purchase. The proceeds will be re-invested back into the community.

Further event details, please contact our Community Programs Unit;

(909) 620-2318 or

Address/Location Pomona Police Department 490 West Mission Boulevard Pomona, CA 91766

Posted on April 20, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.

Every 15 Minutes!


On April 3rd we were asked to assist with the "Every 15 Minutes program at Ganesha High School.  Please see below to learn more about this program.

On April 3rd and 4th, the Pomona Police Department presented the "Every 15 Minutes" program at Ganesha High School.  The two-day event is designed to demonstrate the consequence for teenagers exerting poor judgment related to drinking alcohol and driving.

This event is also a reminder that every 15 minutes in America someone loses their life in an alcohol-related traffic collision.  The program focuses on educating high school Juniors and Seniors.  It challenges them to think about driving under the influence, distracted driving, personal safety awareness and their responsibility to make mature decisions when lives are at stake.  The first day of the program includes the "Grim Reaper" entering a classroom every 15 minutes and removing a student.  A police officer will read that student's obituary to fellow classmates.  The student is then a "living dead" reminder to the students left behind.  The first day also includes a mock, fatal traffic collision (please see below) in front of the Ganesha High School and students portray the involved parties.

There is an overnight retreat for the participating students.  The retreat includes education, reflection and team building exercises.  Day two of the program consists of an assembly including a mock funeral procession video footage of the two-day event, guest speakers and the involved students returning to "life".  This program is funded by a grant from the California Highway Patrol as well as a Driver's Safety grant from State Farm Insurance.

We thank PUSD, CHP, LA County Fire, Cole Schaffer Ambulance, State Farm Insurance and all of our other community partners that are supporting this event.

Lt. Eddie Vazquez Patrol Operations

Please see below the slide presentation of this event!

We want to thank Sheri Orellana for taken these photos. 

Posted on April 15, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.


If you want to be understood … LISTEN

Chaplain Rex Wolins

Pomona Police Department


The most important skill sworn and non-sworn law enforcement personnel can possess is the ability to communicate clearly and non-threateningly to those people whom we encounter everyday. In effect, the attitude we take toward others will be the primary way our community judges the success (or failure) of community-oriented policing. Getting along with others is the philosophical basis as well as the practical application of any community-oriented policing policy. Improving the verbal and non-verbal communication skills of sworn and non-sworn department personnel should be an important consideration.

It is obvious, is it not? The first contact the public has with law enforcement is, most of the time, with the person behind the desk at the station or on a call out. First impressions, at this point, cannot be overestimated. By intentionally assisting the sworn and non-sworn employee to present a non-threatening, non-challenging posture to the public, we have gone a long way toward improving the understanding of the department in the eyes of the community.

Yet, such an apparent truth oftentimes gets lost in the shuffle of everyday administrative and patrol functions. Forgetting such an important fact obviously is not intentional. Rather, it happens because of attitudes and stresses inherent within the law enforcement profession itself. Given the nature of law enforcement, it is built-in to carefully examine and be aware of all persons; what they are wearing as well as general appearance. The stress of this orientation on sworn and non-sworn staff has been widely documented.

Communication theory tells us HOW we say words is just as important as the words themselves! Moreover, the body language we use, coupled with the words we say, cause persons to react either positively or negatively towards us. When persons come into contact with law enforcement, for whatever reason, it is an anxiety producing experience. We in law enforcement should do all we can to minimize as much stress as we can in those with whom we come in contact

There is a way in which respect for the individual can be maintained as well as the integrity of the department employee. The way to accomplish this is by teach


ing active and positive communication skills to department personnel. Every sworn and non-sworn employee needs to know those skills that diffuse tension and calm those with whom we come in contact. “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger....Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.   Proverbs 15:1,12:25

Instead of only reacting to the anxious or defensive individual, we need to know the techniques and skills that can dilute and calm the potentially explosive situation.

For the sworn and non-sworn employee, this means staying calm and controlling our attitudes and emotions towards people in stressful situations. If the individual is demanding or haughty, personnel should be taught to stay in control of their feelings and not react in kind. Our purpose is not to respond negatively, but to make sure WE don't return spite for spite and make the situation worse.

This does not mean a milquetoast approach in dealing with the public. It DOES mean that, by being aware of what “pushes our buttons”, we are in a better position to control and dissolve any tension instead of adding to it.

Secondly, the sworn and non-sworn employee should be instructed as to the importance of “body language” in communication. The posture of the employee says more than words to the public. This is the dimension of professionalism sought by any organization; a capable and efficient manner of doing business that soothes and eases anxiety. It is not an external bravado that seeks to intimidate or control. Persons who are nervous, for whatever reason, tend to focus on non-verbal signals. The tone of the voice, the volume used in speaking and the speed or cadence of the words influence how the public receives the message of the law enforcement employee. If we improve not only what we say but how we say it, situations which could be explosive can be defused.


This calling that we in the department, sworn and un-sworn have said yes to comes with a lot of baggage, how we handle it for the most part depends on the tools we have and how we choose to use them. A good look through the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament reveals to us some great tools of wisdom for handling those stressful times when we hold the key to letting a situation explode or defuse it.

“Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge.”

- Proverbs 23:12

Be Safe


Posted on March 24, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.

Pomona Police Officer Timothy Dorn Academy Graduation!

Officer Timothy Dorn graduated from Orange County Sheriff's Regional Training Academy, Class of 208, on January 16, 2014.  We of the Pomona Police Department want to congratulate him for this tremendous achievement.

The Academy is 26 weeks and is one of the most challenging in the nation.  Their goal is provide the graduates with the skill and character that will help them succeed during a lifetime of law enforcement.

Pomona Police Department wants to welcome Officer Dorn as one of our newest officers in the Department.

Photo's taken by Tony Nguyen of the Pomona Police Department.



Posted on February 19, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.

A Letter from Police Chaplain Fred Henzler


"I was asked to be at the retirement dinner for a Perry Police Officer who is retiring after 40 years of service.  That seem like such a long time until I realized that when we came with the police department, he had only been there 27 years.  He was the first black officer that was ever hired.  He and his wife became dear friends to us.  Judging from the turnout of nearly 200 people, I'm sure he was a friend to many.  The City Council, the Mayor, the County Commissioners, the Perry Police Chief and the past Chief, the Houston County Sheriff, many officers, deputies, state patrol and firefighters were all there.  I think that most everyone was especially kind to me because of the passing of my wife Marie.  Both the former Chief of Police and the Sheriff spent a good deal of time with me.  I was blessed to have had all the wonderful and amusing stories about my friend.

During the brief time of three years that we were with the police department we saw a mini revival.  One of our officers, who was shot in a shootout accepted Christ as his Savior.  We had little to do with this except to encourage him to start reading his Bible.  Both his wife and his sister-in-law had been praying for him for years.  Two Christian Officers really started living for the Lord. A female officer really started living for the Lord.  A female officer left the department in order to go to Bible College.  Two other officers decided to leave so that they could spend more time with their families and be in church every Sunday.  We were thrilled but I don't think the Chief was very happy.  He usually was not at the roll call but he came in just in time to hear another officer say, "I'm leaving."  When someone asked what are you going to do, he said, "Preach."  The Chief gave me a strange look.  The officer, a Christian was just joking.  He needed more time for his business.  A couple was there yesterday but I did not recognize them.  They seem to know all of the other officers and their wives.  The officer that was joking about preaching had changed in the last 10 years and had a handlebar mustache and I did not recognize him.  In fact, I have not laughed so much since Marie went into the hospital.

The Henzlers
The Henzlers

Thanks to many of you who knew I was discouraged and needed encouragement."

Please pray for Chaplain Henzler due to the fact his wife Marie went home to be with the Lord recently!

Posted on February 9, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.



Congratulations to Rolando Betancourt, Christian Hsu and Travis Johnson for being chosen to represent Pomona Police Department as "Officers of the Year"!! We are very proud of you all!

Posted on January 31, 2014 and filed under Blog Updates.

Recent Death Notice at the Pomona Police Department!

Prayer sign
Prayer sign

Several weeks ago we were called to the Traffic Bureau by the Corporal to give a death notice to the driver who hit a pedestrian. She stopped and gave aid to the pedestrian who was taken to the hospital. We were called to tell the driver that the pedestrian died from his injuries that were inflicted by her vehicle.  She was very distraught by this news. The officers who were on scene from the Traffic Bureau told her that, after their investigation, the accident was not her fault. We tried to encourage her the best way we knew how and we had prayer with her.

A few weeks later she wrote this letter to our Chief:


The Police Department would like to share the following letter from a resident of Pomona.

"I was the driver in a traffic incident involving a pedestrian... I am writing this letter to express my deep appreciation for not only the professionalism of the police officers at the scent of the accident, but especially for the compassionate care shown me at the two subsequent interviews at the Police Department.

This was one of the worst events of my life and I was very shaken by it.  The Chaplains and the police officers who were present at the last meeting at the Traffic Bureau Office.... treated me respectfully and compassionately.  The Chaplains gave me a pocket-sized copy of Psalm 91 which I now carry everywhere.

I cannot thank everyone enough for your kindness in my great need.  I would like you all to know that you have treated a fellow human being very well and that I am truly grateful for each one of you.  I would like to name names, but I realize that there were many involved of whose efforts I am not aware.

Pomona PD Traffic Bureau
Pomona PD Traffic Bureau

Again I offer my deepest thanks to the Pomona Police Department Traffic Bureau and to the Chaplain's Office for your caring and professional treatment of me.

Sincerely yours,"

Posted on April 22, 2013 and filed under Blog Updates.

Pomona Police Department Open House on May 15, 2013

Pomona PD Station Side viewIMG_0094This year’s Police Open House will coincide with National Law Enforcement Week.  In recognition of this national event, Pomona Police Department will open our doors to the community and host an Open House on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pm.

New Air Unit.Pomona PDOld Police Car

Throughout the day, guided tours through theRecords Bureau, Jail and the Dispatch Center will be conducted from 9:00 to 5:30pm.  After the tour, visitors will be invited to see displays and demonstrations which will include the K-9 Unit, Gang Violence Suppression Unit, Major Narcotics Team, SWAT team, Motors, Helicopter viewing, the PD oldie etc… 

Children’s Fingerprinting and other activities have been planned for this day. Plenty of safety and crime prevention handouts will be available.  The Kiwanis Club of Pomona will be on hand to grill hamburgers and hot dogs.

Come out and meet your Pomona Police Officers and while touring the station!  Parents are encouraged to bring their children and community groups are welcome.

Pomona Police Department is located at 490 W. MIssion Blvd., Pomona, CA. 91766

For further information, please call the Crime Prevention Office at (909) 620-2318 or Chaplain Bob Keller at (714) 865-9177.



Posted on April 21, 2013 and filed under Blog Updates.

Dr. John Vaughn's New Book, "Courage & Compassion"

Courage & Compassion
Courage & Compassion

New Release!Courage and Compassion: The Ministry of Law Enforcement

This new release will be an encouragement for civilian, chaplain, and law enforcement agent alike. Illustrated from Chaplain Vaughn's many years of experience, Courage and Compassion offers help and hope to officers who wonder: "Will God forgive me for taking a human life in the line of duty?" What should a Christian officer do about deceiving a suspect to gain incriminating information? What can chaplains and churches do to minister to officers while they minister to others? Is law enforcement really a ministry? These and other questions are addressed. Readers will find answers and practical help based on biblical principles.

To order this book please click on the link below!

If you cannot bring this up, just copy and paste and click on Publications

Posted on July 30, 2012 and filed under Blog Updates.

Funeral Service for fallen Officer Kevin Sandoval

Please pray for the mother, father, and sister, extended family, friends, and fellow officers of South Pasadena Police Department Officer Kevin Sandoval who died Tuesday, June 14th after suffering a head injury during a training exercise with the Pasadena Police Department at a firing range in Azusa. The LA Times said that "Officer Kevin Sandoval, 23, was with other South Pasadena Police Department officers at the Burro Canyon Shooting Park when he collapsed shortly before 2 p.m and hit his head, officials said. He was given first aid at the scene and flown to Foothill Presbyterian Hospital in Glendora, where he was pronounced dead.

"It was unclear why Sandoval collapsed, said Officer Ming Hsu of the California Highway Patrol, which was handling media inquiries for the department."

Officer Sandoval was 23 years old and had been a law enforcement officer for two years and a cadet for eighteen months before that.

South Pasadena Watch Commander Sgt. Tony Abdalla remembered, "[Kevin] is what I would categorize as probably the best police officer that we would be fortunate as a City and community to find," said Abdalla. "He was very proactive, very community oriented—just exemplified what we look for in a police officer, and it is a huge loss.

Funeral services will be held at Lady of Guadalupe, 16025 Cypress St., Irwindale, CA., 91706 on Friday, June 24th at 11:30 A.M.

Following the funeral service, the interment location will be at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, 21300 Via Verde Dr., Covina, CA. 91724.

Posted on June 22, 2011 and filed under Blog Updates.


In Pursuit! Ministries of California is also on Facebook.  If you would like updates, please become a friend on Facebook.  Thank you!

Posted on December 20, 2010 and filed under Blog Updates.

Memorial Service for a Fallen Officer, Ryan Bonaminio

Officer Ryan Bonaminio
Officer Ryan Bonaminio

We mourn with the Riverside Police Department and the Southern California law enforcement community at-large following the recent line-of-duty death of Officer Ryan Bonaminio in Fairmount Park on November 7th, We are personally affected by this senseless murder of Officer Bonaminio.  Please pray for his family and the law enforcement family as they work through this together.  The Memorial Service was held at Grove Community Church in Riverside, CA Tuesday, November 16, 2010.  There were over 4,000 in attendance.

Posted on November 17, 2010 and filed under Blog Updates.

Chaplains Bob & Jane Keller Given An Amazing Gift

Jane and I have now served in the ministry of chaplaincy for almost 9 years.  Our 2003 Honda Odyssey has over 222,000 miles on it.  Most of those miles have been related in the ministry in some way. We travel on an average of 500 miles a week just driving back and forth to Pomona and Los Angeles.

This last Monday morning we received a phone call from Andy and Kelly Chapman.  Andy is a California Highway Patrol officer and his Dad; Dennis Chapman pastors Calvary Baptist Church in Simi Valley.  Calvary Baptist is one of our supporting churches.  As the conversation began, Andy and Kelly started telling about a vehicle they own, a 2010 VW Jetta with odometer reading of 5,900 miles and giving a detailed description of the vehicle.  As the conversation began to develop, Jane and I glanced at each other thinking that maybe they wanted to sell the vehicle to us or take over the payments.  They went on to explain that the Lord laid it upon their hearts to ask if we could use this vehicle for our ministry. Without hesitation, we answered a resounding YES, as we comprehended the fact that they were giving us the vehicle! Praise the Lord for His goodness and His provision!! We knew that, in the next year, we were going to have to replace our Odyssey.

On Wednesday, we drove up to Moorpark, about a 2 hour drive, to pick up the Jetta,  as you can see in, the photo it is a very nice vehicle and great on gas.  Over the years, our Odyssey gas mileage has slowly declined and has restricted us in getting out there in the field. With the great mileage, on the Jetta it is going to free us up to accomplish more in the ministry.

Another blessing to this whole story is. When my mother died 5 years ago, she left us with a 1995 Honda Accord currently with 140,000 miles and it is in pretty good shape.  Our son Timothy and his wife Rebekah own a Honda Accord that is in bad shape, and they need to replace it.  As you may remember, Timothy and Rebekah live in Michigan where  Timothy is an assistant pastor at  Community Baptist Church in Madison Heights.  With this new vehicle, we are going to be able to give either the Odyssey or the Accord to them.  We have not decided which vehicle.  Timothy and Rebekah will fly out here and pick up one of the cars.  The Lord has not only provided a vehicle for us, but also a vehicle for Timothy and Rebekah.

Andy and Kelly, we wanted to thank you so much for your wonderful gift, and how God is using you to help our ministry, and also the ministry of Timothy and Rebekah.  We pray that the Lord will richly bless you for blessing us with this gift. May God bless you both for your love for the Lord Jesus Christ and  the ministry of law enforcement. We pray the Lord will bless your time at your new duty station mightily.

Posted on November 11, 2010 and filed under Blog Updates.