TUITION INFORMATION: This is an adult course only. College credits are no longer available. Please scroll down to see the specified requirements for your tuition refund.
$250 - Includes Course Manual on CD-ROM in PDF Format and Resource Packet. (Bring your laptop to class!)
Optional Printed Manuel: Please order your printed manual minimum of two weeks in advance of the course dates to ensure it will be available. A non-refundable fee of $25 will be charged for those who request a printed copy of the Training Manual.
Tuition Policy: Tuition will be REFUNDED IN-FULL when all course requirements are fully completed on time and your Certificate of Completion is issued. Please note: Certificates will NOT be issued at the end of classroom training week. Attendance of the M-Fri classroom component is only one of the several components which must be completed to fully satisfy the completion requirements of this course. Scroll down to see all the requirements. Deadline dates will be established upon acceptance of enrollment and, at the sole discretion of "IN PURSUIT MINISTRIES OF CA", may or may not be extended. We reserve the right to set final deadline dates on an individual student basis.
Biblical Law Enforcement and Corrections Chaplaincy (LECC)is offered to adult Bible college students, pastors, and lay persons who are burdened by the Lord to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who sere in society as ordained ministers of God's Justice (Romans 13:4) and/or to offenders and inmates who have become the direct recipients of that justice (Romans 13:2).
Please Note: This course is taught from a fundamental perspective of clear and indisputable Biblical principles and doctrines. It does not recognize or accommodate denominational traditions or variations. When points of doctrine are brought up in class which may not coincide with your particular beliefs, please understand that they will not be made a matter of debate during class time. For the sake of class continuity and time constraints, we ask that differing views not be discussed during class. Thank you!
Students must be 18 years of age or older with no arrests (whether convicted or not) within the past two calendar years of the date of application. Regular class attendance during the entire course is required for completion.
The classroom component of this course consists of forty hours comprised of lectures, video presentations, discussion, daily quizzes. A final comprehensive exam is sent home after the classroom instruction is completed.
The classroom component will be followed by three field exercises. A Final Report and proof of certification in the three NIMS/ICS components must be also completed and mailed to the instructor with a postmark date of no later than twelve weeks from the conclusion of the classroom component.
Three practical field exercises are requiredfollowing completion of the student manual component. It is suggested that the student completes the ride along component in a city or county where the level of patrol activity will be significant enough to meet the intent of the exercise. The practical exercise component of this course consists of each of the following:
A minium 4-hour ride along with an on-duty uniformed law enforcement patrol officerin a marked squad car. Male students must ride with male officers only; female students must ride with female officers only. You should choose a department where there will be enough activity to meet the goal of this exercise. Simply riding around without any activity in which you can observe the officer in the performance of his duties does not meet the requirement.
A minimum 2 hours of observation/program time or direct ministry in a county jail or state prison where significant inmate interaction is made. If ministry or observation is one-on-one with an individual, the same gender restrictions as noted above will apply.
A tour of the nearest Medical Examiner's Office or Coroner's Office, to include the viewing of a complete post-mortem examination if at all possible. Note that in some locations where our week-long class is offered, this requirement will be fulfilled during the week.
V. NIMS/Incident Command System Certification
Students must achieve certification in the following four components of NIMS through FEMA/U.S. Department of Homeland Security as a condition of successful completion of LECC:
NIMS/Incident Command System IS.100.LEb
NIMS/Incident Command System IS.200b
NIMS/Incident Command System IS-700.a
NIMS IS-907 Active Shooter: What You Can Do
This course content of the NIMS training will be covered in the classroom component. Testing and certification in these NIMS components, however must be completed by the individual student and can be done online in under an hour.
The web address to the testing site will be furnished in class. Each test takes approximately 15-20 minutes, and certificates are generated immediately and sent electronically by FEMA. Copies of certificates must be submitted to In Pursuit Ministries of CA with the student's Final Report as a condition of successful completion of LECC.
Note: Students who may already be certified in IS-100a, IS-200.a, IS-700.a or IS-907 need only provide documentation of their certification upon registration for LECC. Re-certification in the NIMS/ICS is not necessary.
A minium 6 page final report documenting the student's activities, observations, and personal impressions of these three field exercises must be submitted. The report should contain a chronological account, the name (s) of officer (s) with whom the student participated, and a critical analysis and commentary regarding the applicability of the course material where it was pertinent to the experiences in the field.
The final report will be graded on neatness, relevancy to the topic, and depth of effort and application. The Final Report must be typed on white paper, double spaced, and should contain the student's name and address at the top. For reasons of confidentiality, completed final report must not be transmitted electronically. Students must mail the final report via US Postal Service directly toIn Pursuit Ministries of CA.
Students who successfully complete all components of the course will receive a Certificate of Completion of a 55-Hour course of specialized instruction in Biblical Law Enforcement and Corrections Chaplaincy issued by In Pursuit Ministries of CA in conjunction with the sponsoring church.
If your church would like to host a training session in your area, call In Pursuit Ministries of CA as soon as possible.
Our 55-Hour Biblical Law Enforcement and Corrections Chaplaincy (LECC) training course authored by Chaplain Tim Sherman will inform, excite, motivate, and help to prepare students and enhance their effectiveness in a truly Biblical Chaplaincy to the men and women in these two very different and unique areas of God's ordained instruction of civil government.
Students who complete this course will possess a greater appreciation and understanding of the rigors, responsibilities, and risks which come with being a sworn officer and ordained minister of God's justice. They will also gain a greater understanding of the criminal mind and the depths of depravity to which an unregenerate heart may fall.
During the classes there are number of guest speakers from different aspects of police work such as forensics and crime scene investigation, command staff, a chaplain from the California Highway Patrol, and many others. We even have a patrol car available for the class to learn how to use the radio and other pieces of emergency equipment in case there is a problem on a ride along.
Another aspect of the class is that you will have the opportunity to view an autopsy on DVD. One student asked, “Why do we need to see such a presentation?” My answer, “How will you respond at the scene of a gruesome accident if you have never witnessed fatal human trauma ahead of time?” During an especially bad call, it is important that the Field Chaplain be an asset to the officer, not a liability. Field Chaplains need to be exposed to these types of things before they are placed in a position where they are depended upon for emotional strength. “As soon as a man has found Christ, he begins to find others.” -Charles Spurgeon
Students who complete this course will realize a deeper burden for the need to minister Christ to both groups and will be better equipped to meet that challenge in both routine duties and major incidents under the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Also known as "LECC," our 55-Hour Biblical Law Enforcement and Corrections Chaplaincytraining course offers useful and relevant instruction in the following areas pertaining to a Law Enforcement and Corrections Ministry.
Introduction to Biblical Chaplaincy
Criminal Justice System Overview
Law Enforcement Ethics
Jail and Prison Operations
Jail and Prison Ministry
Transition, Aftercare, and the Local Church
Ministry to Law Enforcement Community
What Chaplains should know about the Investigation of Crime Scenes
Areas of In-Service Training/Active Shooter Situations
Ride Alongs
Civilian Death Notifications/Officer Injury or Death
PTSD/Critical Incident Stress Management
Subpoenas and Court
Victim Assistance and DHS/FEMA Incident Command System
Presenting Your Services to a Department
Question: Does In Pursuit Ministries of CA certify chaplains?
Answer: No. Upon the student's successful completion of all the coursework, we provide a Certificate of Completion of a 55-Hour Course of Specialized Instruction in Biblical Law Enforcement and Corrections Chaplaincy. We believe it is the student's own local church which has the ecclesiastical authority to certify an individual as a Chaplain under the auspice of their local church. In Pursuit Ministries of CA, therefore, does not "certify" Chaplaincy.
Please call at 714.865.9177 for more information.
Email: inpursuitca@gmail.com
Thank you!
Chaplains of the Pomona Police Department, Pomona, CA