Dear Friends of In Pursuit Ministries of CA,

We have served in just about every capacity imaginable during these last several years - anything from offering emotional support for families whose loved ones took their own lives, being there with family members whose son or daughter was murdered and those killed from traffic collisions. We have assisted officers on DUI Checkpoints, the “Open House” for the Pomona Police Department, ride alongs, patrolling the streets of Pomona in a civilian patrol vehicle and officiating two different funerals.  We have been at the Pomona Valley Hospital with families whose babies have died prematurely or unexpectedly. We have served in the “Every 15 Minute programs.” The opportunities are endless and the need for you to pray for us is just as important.  Have we been busy? You be the judge.

I cannot express enough the importance of this ministry of God.  We may think church planters and missionaries, etc., are the only ministries worth your support and prayers, but this is just not true.  Many of us never think of this, but can you imagine not having our men and women in blue patrolling the streets and going out on call after call with no break and hardly a chance to have lunch.  We sleep at night because we know they are out there protecting us.  Most people don’t appreciate police officers until they need them.  I often say that officers always, and I mean always have our back, but who has their back?  Our communities do not!  We know from Romans 13:1-7 that the Lord has their back, “…the powers that be are ordained of God….For he is the minister of God to thee for good.”  The Chaplain also has the back of the police officers he serves. I am asked all the time if police departments have chaplains? My answer is, “many of our department do have chaplains, but most don’t.”  Jane and I are not only chaplains but we are biblical chaplains.  We also are shepherds caring for the sheep to whom God has called us.

 Do we ever share the gospel? We get opportunities all the time. Recently I interviewed a young man about becoming an officer. Did you know we recruit for our police department? The fact that we are chaplains make the applicants feel more relaxed if they can talk with us before they talk to a sworn officer.  Over the years we have had dozens of opportunities to have these discussions.  This last interview I was able to witness to a man about the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was very receptive and we will meet with him again soon.  Please pray for him!

We know that the law-enforcement profession has a high divorce rate. This statement is not to discredit our officers. In fact, I cannot say enough good things about them.  Other professions have a high divorce rate as well.  Recently we had an officer and his wife from another department into our home to counsel them concerning their marriage. We have done this many times.  This particular couple spent over 5 hours with us. We don’t know the outcome but we hope to meet with them again soon.

Did you know that some officers suffer from post traumatic stress injurty? In the police academy they are told that when they see traumatic events such as suicide, murder and traffic collision fatalities they should just keep it to themselves. Repetitive events year after year have a very negative effect.   Chaplains can help!  I know that we don’t have all the answers to help someone with PTSI, but we can give them our time and listen to them. Ninety-five percent of helping someone with PTSI or any problem is just listening.  Chaplains are worth their weight in gold” because many times officers just want someone that will listen.  They have no one they can easily talk to who understands.  We understand because we have been serving in this capacity for 13 years.  We are willing to do anything to be of service to our officers.  Please pray for us as we help those who may be suffering from this injury. 

As many of you know we have been members of Faith Baptist Church in Orange for many years and have enjoyed it there.  Recently we felt the Lord was moving us to another church.  With the Lord’s direction we decided to move our membership to Liberty Baptist Church of Newport Beach.  We are also part of their missionary family and we thank the Lord for their many years of support to us. Recently they increased their financial support.  We are so thankful and we love it there.  Feel free to look at their website at

One last thought we need to mention.  We have already mentioned the need for you to pray for us and our officers.  The other need we have is financial.  “In Pursuit Ministries of CA” is a non-profit ministry and we are volunteer chaplains.  We receive nomonies from the agency we serve. You can go on line and give your tax deductible gift at You can give a one time gift or give monthly that is up to you.  We need your gift!  Would you please consider helping us?  We need and must continue working with law enforcement.  They need and want us, but we cannot continue on without your help.  Please consider giving to In Pursuit Ministries of CA.  I look forward to your response.  Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and please consider giving to In Pursuit Ministries of CA.


Sincerely in Christ,

Bob and Jane Keller

8877 Lauderdale Ct. Unit 211B

Huntington Beach, CA 92646
