Thank you Bob for allowing yourself to be used of the Lord...

Chaplain Daryl Wilson
Chaplain Daryl Wilson

Below you will find a call that Chaplain Wilson went out on. The Lord used us to help Chaplain Wilson enter into the Chaplaincy. He is the former pastor of Foothill Baptist Church in Castro Valley, Ca and now resides in Florida. Dear Chaplain Bob Keller, I had my first call out  with the Alameda County Sheriff's Department. It went extremely well - thanks solely to the working of the Holy Spirit in the situation. A young man 18 years of age was fishing in the canal that flows from the delta (Sacramento area) to Southern California. He lost his pole in the water and tried to retrieve it an consequently fell in the water. He was pulled under and carried away with the swift current (flowing at about 7 knots). I was called at about 2 PM and arrived on scene about 3 PM. The were about 60 family members and friends standing along side the road next to where the mobile command center was located. The Sgt. briefed me on the situation and then we brought the mother and two uncles into the command center and gave them the news that there was really no hope of finding him alive and that it may be several days before the body is discovered or that it may never be discovered. I then took the mother out to the edge of the canal, so she could see how swift the water was, where I prayed with her. I then took her back to her family & friends and gave them the same information we gave the mother. I then encouraged them to return home or to a central place where they could be comfort to the mother - out of the sun and wind. I explained that there was nothing they could gain by standing around on the road; that the Sgt. had their cell phone number and would call the minute he had any further information. Within about ten minutes they all left the scene. The Sgt. was ecstatic and used the words outstanding & awesome in regard to dealing with the family and the 60 people alongside the road - getting them to leave the scene. He said a Captain was on his way to thank me (I told him that was not necessary) and that the "higher ups" would hear about this and be pleased. I was able to free the deputies from having to take their time to deal with the situation along side the road. They had called the CHIP to assist with the crowd, but as they arrived the crowd was leaving - they couldn't believe it. The only reason I even include this paragraph is to show how incredible the Lord is in giving wisdom and what to say at a time like this (Bob, you know how scared I was), and to show the positive impact it made on the Sheriff's department. I think they are more convinced than ever of the value of a Chaplain. Thank you Bob for allowing yourself to be used of the Lord to get me involved in this rewarding and exciting opportunity to minister for our Lord.

Chaplain & Your Friend, Wilson

Posted on August 11, 2010 and filed under Blog Updates.