The Law Enforcement Officer's Prayer

When Jane and I are out driving and see someone in law enforcement, we are careful to take time and pray a prayer like the one you see below.  We ask that you might implement this in your daily prayer life.  Let me remind you that every 57 to 59 hours an officer or deputy is killed in the line of duty in our nation.  I believe it is our responsibility to pray them.  Would you join us?


Almighty Father, whose great power and eternal wisdom rules the universe.

Watch and guard over all law enforcement officers.

Protect them from harm in the performance of their duty to stop crime, robberies, domestic disputes and violence in any form.

Father, help them keep our streets and homes safe night and day.

We ask for them your loving care because their duty is dangerous.

Give them your eternal strength and courage in their daily duties.

Dear Father, protect these brave people, give them your almighty protection.

Bring them home safely to be united with their families after their duty has ended.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Chaplain Vernon McGee

Posted on November 19, 2015 and filed under Blog Updates.