The LE Chaplain is one of the very few...

 Public sentiment towards our nation’s law enforcement officers has become extremely polarized. LE has felt the need to “circle the wagons” and become generally defensive and distrustful of the people they are sworn to protect.

This does not change the fact that our law enforcement officers are ministers of God’s ordained institution of justice and that they need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! They need our encouragement and support. 

They need answers and the hope that comes only from the Word of God. As believers, we have those answers and the Hope is the Lord Jesus Christ, but who else besides a Law Enforcement Chaplain can even get close enough to an officer to penetrate that wall of defensiveness…?  That’s where YOU and I come in!

Time is short. Pray about it and do this now!

 The classes for Biblical Law Enforcement Chaplain can be scheduled depending upon the interest. If you have ever felt led to minister to these men and women, then this class is for you.



 COST:  $250 payable to IPM; Note that $100 will be refunded upon issuance of certificate of successful completion by the deadline date that we will establish on the first day of class…

Meals are on your own, but we do tend to fellowship together for lunch during the week…

Click here for the Application for Training.

 Note: past graduates may attend this class for a refresher certificate at no tuition cost! (Please send in your application anyway so we can estimate class size…)

These classes can be taken by correspondence…

Posted on April 29, 2016 .

Certificate of Recognition

Yesterday while we were at the Daniel Fraembs Training Center I was awarded this Certificate of Recognition.  I am thankful for the opportunity to serve with the Pomona Police Department for almost 13 years.



Posted on February 17, 2016 .

Area D Meeting- January 20th, 2016

Hello Area D Chaplains-

Happy New Year! Just a reminder of our upcoming meeting on January 20. If
you have not RSVP'ed, please do so.  Please find attached the flyer
detailing the meeting. Please plan to attend and to share this info with
other chaplains, or with your respective congregations.

Posted on January 7, 2016 .

Fall/Winter Newsletter

Dear Friends of In Pursuit Ministries of CA,

1 Thessalonians 5:24 we read, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."  Over the years, this verse has meant so much to us.  I know that in our ministry, God continues to work in our lives and I think you are going to see in the newsletter how true this is.   May God get the glory.

On Sunday, the 27th of September I preached at the Calvary Baptist Church in Rio Linda and the Faith Baptist Church in North Highland.  Both of these churches are in the Sacramento area.  Calvary Baptist is one of our supporting churches and it was good to give them a report of our activities.  Faith Baptist where I have preached several times in the past is praying about supporting us in the future.  This is a tremendous blessing.  Over the years, we have lost support from 5 different churches. If you would like to begin helping us, please click on this link

September 28th while we were in Sacramento we stopped by the Memorial for Fallen Officers there at the Capital Building to give honor to our fallen Officer, Shaun Diamond who died in the line of duty on October 29, 2014. This is a sad time for all of us at the Pomona Police Department when this happened. 

In August, we had the opportunity to give an update of our ministry at the Bible Baptist Church in National City.  This church has been supporting us for over 10 years.  We had written in our summer newsletter the need for tires for our VW Jetta.  A member of that church gave us $400.00 for new tires.  What a blessing!

In July, we attended a training seminar on PTSI/PTSD at the San Rafael Police Department north of San Francisco.  The training was excellent.  We think that only those in the military suffer from this injury, but there are police officers and other first responders who also suffer.  This training was about how to recognize those who may be suffering from this injury and how we can help.

Activities with the Pomona Police Department

We continue to ride along with our officers and minister to them.  We help with DUI Checkpoints twice a month and patrol the streets of Pomona in a special vehicle provided by the Pomona PD.  Last month while out patrolling, we were dispatched to a scene where a 46-year-old man died of a heroin overdose. We were able to provide emotional first aid to the family members and share the gospel.  In the past few months, we have been dispatched on the average of twice a month where people have died.  Recently we just started providing our services as chaplains at the Pomona Valley Hospital.  We were dispatched there to provide our services for a family whose daughter died at a rock concert from taking the drug "Molly".  Also, in August one of our jailers died suddenly at home, he was just 44.  We were dispatched there to provide services and to help with the funeral.  Pomona PD only requires we invest a minimum of 20 hours a month at the Department.  Just to give you an idea of the time we invest there is anywhere from 50 to 70 hours a month.  Back in June, we celebrated 12 years with the Department.  We love what we do!

Back in September, I did my first ride along with the Cal Poly Police Department.  This small department does not have a chaplaincy program.  We are praying that we will be able to start the program once the new chief is sworn in.  The officer I rode contacted us through our website at and needed some encouragement and is interested in becoming a chaplain himself.  I will be meeting with him again soon. 

In October, I gave the invocation at the Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers.  Fingerprint specialists from all over Southern California.

On October 29, 2015, a Prayer Vigil was held at Shaun Diamond Square named in his memory since his tragic death.  The public was invited to attend.  The Vigil began at 6:30 pm. I was able to speak during the meeting.  There were over 200 people in attendance.  Also, we learned that they are renaming the I-10 freeway that runs through Pomona from I-57 to Towne Ave., the Officer Shaun Diamond Memorial Hwy.  What a great honor.  We will never forget him.

In November, we conducted an Area D meeting, which was sponsored by the Pomona Police Department.  Our speaker was Andrew Chapman who spoke on issues officers have with Post Traumatic Stress Injury.  We think that only those in the military suffer from that injury.  We learned that Law Enforcement also suffers from this.  This could be the reason that every 22 hours an officer in the US takes his/her life because he/she does not get help.

Special prayer requests! 

Recently one of our officers asks if we could visit one of his family members who has cancer. When we went to make that visit we gave he gospel.  We ask that you pray for her.

As many of you know, we are a faith-based ministry and sometimes things come up that throw you a curve ball.  The other day, we discovered that our water heater is leaking. We called the insurance company who sent out a repairman in to look at it. We were pretty confident that our insurance would cover the cost of replacement.  Interesting enough, the repairman verified that the water heater needed to be replaced but with a price tag of $530.00.  He said if we did not have insurance it would have cost $1200.00.  This was an item we thought we had our bases covered,  What a surprise!!  Would you pray and possibly give towards this need by clicking on this link?  Thank you!  

Update concerning the water heater.  We want to praise the Lord, for He has supplied the need.

Without prayer and your financial support, we could not do what we do.  For those who love what we do, would you consider joining our ministry by becoming a member.  Just 5, 10 or 20 dollars a month could be a significant help to us.  Please click on this link at and consider supporting us.  Thank you!

Our existing website is about 8 years old and needed an update.  Our oldest son Timothy is building the new site.  It is up and running but he is still working on it.  We will keep you informed through Facebook of his progress. 

Pomona PD called us out a few weeks ago to offer emotional first aid to a family whose mother passed away that morning.  We have gone on many of these over the years and they never get easier.  This one was special because the mother knew the Lord Jesus Christ as herd Savior and we could give the family the full assurance that she is heaven.  We shared the gospel with the whole family, it was tremendous!   Pray for this family as they cope with their loss. 

This last Thursday Pomona Police Department invited us to the Volunteer Luncheon to express their appreciation for our service.  We were awarded a beautiful plague as seen below.  Our Deputy Chief, our two Captains and the mayor of Pomona also was there to honor us.

Thank you for reading this letter and God bless you all! 

Sincerely in Christ,

Bob and Jane

Posted on December 16, 2015 .

10 Truths of Police Leadership

Integrity is its own reared, and to her lessons drawn fem longtime service By Richard Fairburn,


With the knowledge of leadership experience gained in several agencies - good and bad - I've used my "gift" (see #7) of keen observation and analysis to formulate some truths that are common threads.  See if any of my truths ring true to you, and add any you've discovered in the comments field below.

1.  No deed goes unpunished - Unfortunately, this negative truth can often mean the most diligent, hard working officers get more than their share of the workload.

2.  It is never so bad it can't get worse - Another potential negative, but  a turn for the worst must be planned for, especially during critical incidents (a la Murphy's Law).  Plan for the worst and then plan for it to get still worse.

3.  You can learn more from bad leaders than you learn from good ones - Sometimes it is difficult to define what makes a good leader "good."  But it is usually very easy to define what makes a bad boss "bad."

4.  You can either DO the right thing or BE the right thing - Colonial John Boyd (of the OODA loop) used to deliver this "Do or Be" leadership speech:  "You can say and do the right things, to the right people, at the right times, and progress up the ladder and BE.  Or you can DO what is right and make a real difference.  It may cost you a promotion or even career.  It's a decision we all have to make throughout our lives and careers:  To DO or to BE."

5.  Integrity is it's own reward - Telling the truth and doing the right thing, even when doing so could cause you problems, will not endear you to the upper management of some agencies (see #4).  So, integrity sometimes becomes an internal reward, a personal choice of how to live your life.

6.  No man is a prophet in his own land - Whether due to jealousy of their expertise or simply ignorance of their talents, top performers may get brushed aside in their own organization.

7.  God gives each of us gifts but no user's manual -  The trick is to figure out your gifts and how to use them.  As a leader, identify the gifts of your team members and try to put them into positions suited to their unique talents.  ( I understand what he means about no user's manual as such, but God has given us a user's manual called the Bible).

8.  Work and home lives should be separated as much as possible - Taking your job with you is always a fine balance between inadequate communications and information overload.  But you must communicate with your family and share your feelings, if not the details.  (My thought on this Truth is that officers do not feel comfortable sharing anything at home in fear they might frighten their families.  If the officer is having difficulty with something that may have happened at work, the chaplain can always be a great resource to turn too.)

9.  Cops rarely invent a bad attitude - Many cops develop bad attitudes for either a period of time or a whole career, Why?  Generally, because someone may have wrong them - someone gave them the ingredients for a bad attitude.  As a leader, try not to give someone a bad attitude, and help the members of your team work through those they inevitable develop.

10.  You can judge a leader by the enemies they keep, rather than their friends - In ancient times the great room in a castle was decorated with standards of both the King's enemies and allies - they were both held in high regard.  Over the years I have come to be proud of the men I call enemies, because man would want to be counted among their friends.

Posted on November 19, 2015 and filed under Resources.

The Law Enforcement Officer's Prayer

When Jane and I are out driving and see someone in law enforcement, we are careful to take time and pray a prayer like the one you see below.  We ask that you might implement this in your daily prayer life.  Let me remind you that every 57 to 59 hours an officer or deputy is killed in the line of duty in our nation.  I believe it is our responsibility to pray them.  Would you join us?


Almighty Father, whose great power and eternal wisdom rules the universe.

Watch and guard over all law enforcement officers.

Protect them from harm in the performance of their duty to stop crime, robberies, domestic disputes and violence in any form.

Father, help them keep our streets and homes safe night and day.

We ask for them your loving care because their duty is dangerous.

Give them your eternal strength and courage in their daily duties.

Dear Father, protect these brave people, give them your almighty protection.

Bring them home safely to be united with their families after their duty has ended.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Chaplain Vernon McGee

Posted on November 19, 2015 and filed under Blog Updates.

Police Officer's Prayer

Lord I ask for courage
Courage to face and conquer my own fears...
Courage to take me Where others will not go...
I ask for strength  
Strength of body to protect others And strength of spirit to
lead others...
I ask for dedication
Dedication to do my job, to do it well.  Dedication to my
To keep it safe...
Give me Lord, concern 
For others who trust me
And compassion for
those who need me...
And please Lord 
Through it all
Be at my side...

Posted on November 19, 2015 and filed under Resources.

Patch Collection

For many years this collection was on display at the Pomona Police Department, Pomona, CA.

We want to thank Paul Alexander of the Pomona Police Department for giving us the opportunity to share this collection.

The is a collection of 774 different patches, please watch and enjoy!

Posted on November 18, 2015 .

Police Statistics

Line of Duty Deaths: 1 every 52 hours

Suicides: At least 1 law enforcement suicide every 17 hours. LE Suicides can occur anywhere, regardless of the size or geographical location of the department. We lose three times as many officers to suicide as we do line-of-duty deaths…

Divorce: The average “seasoned” officer has been married at least twice.

Longevity: The average rookie officer will leave the profession within six years.

The average officer who retires after 20 years will die within six years after retiring. 

95% of officers involved in deadly shootings will leave the job within five years if proper intervention is not made

Posted on November 13, 2015 .

Area D Meeting

Area D Chaplain’s Meeting Hosted by Pomona Police Department.Location:  Council Chambers at 505 S Garey Ave Pomona, CA 91766.

Parking will be near the corner of Garey and Mission Ave.

“Chaplain’s Confronting PTSI/PTSD”November 5th from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Special Guest Speaker Andrew Chapman 18 years as a law enforcement officer. Peer support and chaplain assistant at West Coast post trauma retreat.


Post-traumatic stress injury and how it affects those in Law Enforcement. Speaking about his own injury and emotional well-being as he saw his fellow officer killed. He was present at the La Conchita mudslide where there were mass casualties. Chaplains will receive tools that will help them in the spiritual and mental challenges they face.

Refreshments will be provided RSVP Chaplain Bob Keller


Posted on October 27, 2015 and filed under Blog Updates.

Summer 2015 Newsletter

Dear Friends of In Pursuit Ministries  CA:

I often say we help people who are in great despair due to traffic collisions, suicides, homicides and many other situations. Please pray for us as we continue to serve the Lord in this capacity. We love what we do, but without God's power we would be useless. Here are some examples of what I mean by the statement above.

Back on Father’s Day, we were dispatched by the Pomona Police Department to report to the Pomona Valley Hospital in Pomona to help a family who left their 3 year old in the car seat of their vehicle for several hours. The parents and their other 4 children all went in the house and took a nap and thought she was in the house. When they discovered she was not, they realized they had left her in the car. They went out to the car and found her not breathing, called 911, she was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. This was one of the hardest calls we have had lately. Please pray for this family. Recently we went to see them and shared the gospel and prayed. They are doing well under the circumstances but still have a long way to go. Many of the calls we go out on, we may not have the chance to share the Gospel at the time but when we go back to followup the Lord seems to open the door.

I received a call from the Pomona PD asking me to report to the scene of an accident involving two young men about 18 years old. They had just gotten off work about 4 in the morning and were driving home. The driver was driving at excessive speed, lost control of the vehicle and hit a tree. The vehicle ended up in 3 pieces and they were pronounced dead at the scene. We were dispatched to help the family deal with this. Very difficult one!

On another call, a young lady crossing the street was struck by a SUV and the driver took off. We are not sure, but he may have been driving under the influence of alcohol. Did you know that every 15 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver? Due to the cameras in another intersection they found the driver 4 hours later. The driver was arrested and placed in our jail. Great job by the Pomona Police Department! There were about 20 family and friends on scene that we were trying to comfort. It was about 2 am before we left. We usually wait until the coroner arrives, and everyone leaves before we leave.

One evening as Jane was riding with an officer, they were dispatched to a traffic collision that was involving a car and a motorcycle. Jane and the officer were the first to arrive on scene. The motorcyclist was killed. The driver of the vehicle was present. Jane was asked to direct traffic as this happened on a busy roadway. She was also asked to place crime scene tape up to keep people back. It was quite an experience that she will never forget. Jane was able to speak with the driver briefly before his family arrived.

One afternoon we were out patrolling in the Citizens Vehicle Patrol car and came across this accident as you can see here. Everyone was okay but a little shook up. We had the opportunity to bring comfort to the family members. Chaplain Tim Sherman from Minnesota was out here visiting and was with me that day. He had the joy of bringing great comfort to a little boy in the vehicle. In fact he went with the EMT’s to the hospital so the little boy could be checked out. He checked out okay. So glad Tim was there to assist me.

Our latest call was 187/homicide! Without going into detail, we did talk with the family of the victim and prayed with them. They were very receptive to our visit and hearing the Gospel.

In September we are hoping to kick off a continuation course for chaplains. We will be using webinar. Chaplains can call in and continue their training over the computer/phone.  We will be covering topics like Post Traumatic Stress Injury, (PTSI), How to Give a death Notice, Emotional Survival Among Law Enforcement and many other topics. The class will be 45 minutes and 15 minutes for Q&A, just once a month. We hope to get speakers such as Police Officers and Chaplains to help us with these classes. We plan to conduct the class from September through June. Appreciate your prayers! If you are interested in joining, please give me a call at 714.865.9177 or email me at There is no cost for these classes!

In June we were invited to speak at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Delano Ca. to share the ministry of In Pursuit Ministries of CA. Had a great time and is a great church. If you are interested in having us come just to share the ministry and how your church can get involved, please give me a call at 714.865.9177 or email me at

A Word about the Military Entrance Processing Station

We are not able to be involved at MEPS like we used to be. We were told that it was a DOD decision not to have anyone with a religious connection there. We still have a good relationship with the 1st Sgt. He called us recently to assist an employee who is in the Army, dealing with the death of her Mother. We have met with her and are trying to set up another visit. Pray we will be able to go back to MEPS and once again minister there on a weekly basis.


Jane & I both received certificates for attending a course entitled “Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support.” This was a 13 hour course on how to deal with people in crisis. Extremely helpful! We also attended a course on "Mental Health and First Aid" This course was 6 hours and was designed to help us better help people who are mentally ill. The course was mandatory for all Pomona Police Department personnel to attend.

Back in May I attended a 3 day course called "Disaster Relief for Chaplains." This course was designed to train us to help in situations such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires and terrorism. Jane will be taking the same course in September.

This last weekend we attended an orientation on how to effectively help police officers who are suffering from "Post Traumatic Stress Injury". This is just the beginning of our training. We will keep you updated on our progress. Did you know that law enforcement officers suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Injury?

How thankful we our on June 9th we received a certification of appreciation from the County of LA, Probation Department for our ministry to Pomona Police Department.

One last item I almost forget to mention. On July 9th Jane and I celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary. “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.” Proverbs 18:22. Jane is a tremendous wife and partner in the ministry.

Special Need! We drive approximately 1500 miles a month just for the ministry. Our 2010 VW Jetta has over 100,000 miles on it. Our need is this! We need tires which cost about $400.00. If you can send us a gift to help pay for the tires, we would appreciate it so much. Just click here to give a donations, thank you!


As you have already heard In Pursuit Ministries of CA is 501 (c) 3 non-profit ministry. If you would like to become a member please click on

For those who have supported this ministry for many years, once again we want to say thank you!

Sincerely in Christ, Bob & Jane Keller

PS. I hope you can see by this letter that we are busy in the Lord’s work. I hope you consider supporting this greatly needed ministry!  Thank you!







Posted on July 23, 2015 and filed under Blog Updates.