Dear Friends:

We appreciate each of you who faithfully encourage us along the way. So we would like to let you know about some exciting changes in our ministry. Based on wise counsel and after much prayer, we have decided to expand the ways in which we receive support.

One step we've already taken has been to incorporate In Pursuit Ministries CA as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so our supporters receive the tax-deduction they deserve. Another vital step is the implementation of new Supporting Membership Plan. 

Supporting Membership Plan:

Our new Supporting Membership Plan allows people just like you to donate a very small amount, just $5.00 per month, to support our work among police officers. “Many hands make light work.” You can lift some of the load and make a significant difference in police officer's lives with a very small monthly donation. Here are the ways you can make a difference:

  1. You will be providing for an 800 Hotline number for the men and women who put on a badge and run into life threatening situations every day. That phone number connects them with a caring and trained Chaplain 24 hours a day. Many in law enforcement suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Injury (PTSI). This is one more tool that literally could be the difference between life and death. Help is just ten digits away, day or night.
  2. You will be providing support for training seminars for officers and chaplains so they are equipped to handle the emotional needs of others as they meet them in crisis.
  3. You will be helping to provide Law Enforcement Appreciation days. This could be your church, and it is offered at no cost to the church. For more information, please click on the link!
  4. You will be helping to provide caring and trained Chaplains for police officers, on and off the job. Also, you will be ensuring that a chaplain is available for the victims of crime as well.

Can you help?

Our Supporting Membership Plan is just $5.00, $10.00 or $20.00 per month. You can give that automatically each month, or once a year if that's easier. We are working on some simple and tangible ways to say thank you to our new Membership. For now, you will receive our newsletter and our deep thanks for caring for those who serve us as law enforcement officers. We hope that our supporters will give cheerfully and see this as an investment in the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you do decide to join, our challenge coin and patch will be given to you as our way to say thank you!

Please see the explanation of the challenge coin at the bottom of this page!

Here's the link to our page to get started: Please take a moment to visit

Note to our Supporting Churches

Your financial help has provided for this ministry for many years. May God richly bless you for your sacrifice. However, the ministry needs additional support now as we grow and serve more officers. There is still much opportunity and much work remains to be done. So we are faced with a choice. Do we hit the road again and raise support church-by-church, which is costly and time consuming, or do we use the new tools of online giving to enable many people to band together—each person's small gift multiplied by many?

We desire to continue to be good stewards of our time and resources. We believe strongly that this is a wise and strategic way to do just that. If you share the vision of In Pursuit Ministries CA, and I know you do, please help us in this small way. $5, $10, or $20 monthly will make a real and practical difference in the lives of many people this year, as we represent the Lord Jesus Christ to the law enforcement community.

Please remember to sign up for our regular updates by email. The sign up form is at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to learn more about this ministry please click on this video!

Thank you and May God bless you!

According to tradition military coins (also known as unit coins or commander’s coins) originated during World War I, when a bronze medallion carrying the insignia of his squadron, saved a young American pilot from execution.  As it did then, carrying a military coin today represents membership to the organization minted on the coin.

Commanders use the coin to improve morale, honor exemplary service, and foster unity.  The coin should be carried with one always, as its gift is mark of trust and its presence a reminder of duty and allegiance.

This special medallion was minted for those belonging to In Pursuit Ministries of CA.